1969 Hot Wheels
RLBB - Rear Loading Beach Bomb - Reproductions
RLBB - Rear Loading Beach Bomb - Reproductions
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The Real Deal!
While all the repros have many many differences, we'll only be pointing out a couple of very easy to see ones here.
For some basics, take note of the shape of the small round post spins, the two full circles around the pairs of square axle holes or the size of the word "Volkswagon" and where it starts and ends relative to the words "Beach Bomb"
Schlicht hand converted custom
Its easy to see that a Side Loader chassis was cut apart and re-assembled as a real chassis is all one piece.
Also note that the rear bumper flats still resemble more of the Side Loader style.
Brightvision Blank-Base
The middle pad area is blank and has none of the Manufacturer and Model Name information.
Brightvision Text-Base
On BV's notice that what should be two big circles around the axle holes are actually "D" shaped.
Notice how much larger the word "Volkswagen" is and how it ends over the "M" in Bomb as opposed to over the "O" on originals.
SAL cheap replica of a Brightvision
Can't seem to spell "Foreign" correctly. That "O" sure looked like a "D" to that chineese guy.
All the wording and fonts used for them, just don't look at all like the original. Mattel Inc is now Mattel Ing. Darn that speling thing again.
Mattel HWC 2002/Series One #014 - Beach Bomb Too
The name is different and has no circles at all around the axle holes and is now made in China.
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